Secretary-General Chien attended the 2023 National Convention of the American Legion and AMVETS in the United States

  • Date:2023-12-04
  • Department:Department of Veterans Service and Assistance
Secretary-General Chien delivered a speech at the AMVETS National Convention
Secretary-General Chien delivered a speech at the AMVETS National Convention

Secretary-General of the Veterans Affairs Council (VAC), Mr. Chien Shih-feng, led a delegation to visit the United States in late August to attend the 2023 annual meetings of the American Veterans (AMVETS) and the American Legion (AL). During the visit, on behalf of Minister Feng Shih-kuan, Mr. Chien presented the First Class Honor Medal of Excellence to Mr. Maclean and Mr. Troiola, the two national commanders of AMVETS and AL, respectively. The trip also included meetings with Mr. Ryan Gallucci, Executive Director of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), and various events hosted by the AL Kimlau Post 1291, the ROC Veterans Association in Washington D.C..

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