Medical Care

  • Date:2021-07-21
  • Department:Department of Healthcare and Medical Care

To meet the primary demands to provide medical care for the numerous veterans when VAC was first established, a veterans medical service system has been gradually developed. Over 50 some years, a comprehensive veterans medical service network has served hundreds of thousands of veterans and their dependents, and become one of the very important link in the country's medical service system.

According to Article 14 of the ROC Veterans Assistance Act, those veterans who are sick or injured shall be treated in the veterans hospitals of VAC free of charge, or on a reduced-rate basis.

1.VAC medical institutions and system

Medical institutions

At present, 4 veterans general hospitals, and 12 regional veterans hospitals, joined by the nursing homes and health care units in the veterans homes and domiciliary centers make up the comprehensive VAC medical service system.
Other than being in charge of veterans (and their families) health, they also provide services to the general public.  The entire VAC medical service system is structured in the following 3 levels:

  1. Level one: Primary medical care
    This includes the health care units of veteran homes and domiciliary centers. These units provide preventive and primary medical care, as well as health education for veterans. 
    Patients beyond the capability of these units are transferred to the nearby VAC regional hospital for treatment.
  2. Level two: Regional hospital medical care
    The regional veterans hospitals are assigned with responsibility to support the medical services of the health units of the nearby veterans homes and domiciliary centers. These regional hospitals are to be assisted by the medical centers, and can refer their patients to the latter, when necessary.
  3. Level three: VAC medical centers care
    The Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung Veteran General Hospitals are of this level. Their mission is of 3-fold: medical care, teaching, and research. They are also responsible for the medical operation of the regional veterans hospitals, which includes adjusting of physicians, nurses and rehabilitation staff; professional medical technical guidance, on-the-job training, beds management, and taking referral patients from regional hospitals.

2. National Health Insurance vs. Veteran Medical Insurance

The National Health Insurance (NHI) was launched since 1995. Before then, veterans without employment were entitled to free medical care among VAC medical care system. After 1995 when NHI was inaugurated, the unemployed veterans and their spouses are categorized "Category 6, sub-category 1". Their premium is to be paid by VAC, and is entitled to medical services within NHI hospitals and clinics. While the employed veterans remain to be obligated to pay for their own premium in accordance with their monthly salary.

Besides the above medical benefits, those veterans home-cared at government expenses, and those who quality for disabilities, are also entitled to prosthetic items like walking aids, hearing aids, reading glasses, and artificial eyes.

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  • Count Views:13050
  • Update:2024-10-30
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