Attended 2018 American Legion annual convention

  • Date:2018-09-05
  • Department:Department of Veterans Service and Assistance
Minister Chiu gave a speech at ladies auxiliary convention
Minister Chiu gave a speech at ladies auxiliary convention

2018 American Legion annual convention

Chiu, Kuo-Cheng, the minister of Veterans Affairs Council, was invited to the 2018 American Legion annual convention on 24 August 2018. AL enjoys a long-term friendship with R.O.C. and proposes resolutions supporting our country. Chiu expressed sincere gratitude toward the AL and hope the bond could be strengthened in the future. 

The minister Chiu was also invited to the U.S. Army War College International Fellows Hall of Fame for being the highest position in R.O.C. armed forces. Minister Chiu is the first person being honored by the college. It is not only the honor for the Minister, but the recognition for our military forces. 

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  • Count Views:8517
  • Update:2018-09-06
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