VFW DPA Commander Verville Visited R.O.C. (Taiwan)

  • Date:2018-10-12
  • Department:Department of Veterans Service and Assistance
VAC Briefing and Medal of Honor Awarding
VAC Briefing and Medal of Honor Awarding

VFW DPA Commander Verville Visit R.O.C. (Taiwan)

VFW DPA (Department of Pacific Area, Veterans of Foreign Wars) Commander Mike Verville has just completed his annual visit to Taiwan at the invitation of the Minister of the R.O.C. Veterans Affairs Council (VAC) Gen. Chiu, Kuo-Cheng.


The DPA VFW leader visited VAC for a briefing, and several VAC’s subsidiaries such as Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Qingjing Farm during Oct. 7 to Oct. 12.  On Oct. 10th morning, the special guest was escorted by Overseas Liaison Section staff to attend the National Celebration Rally at the Presidential Office Square, and National Banquet in the evening.  Commander Verville expressed his admiration about R.O.C.’s Veterans Affairs System and thanks for VAC.


Commander Verville came to VAC for briefing on Oct. 11 evening, and was greeted warmly by Deputy Minister Lee, VAC. Deputy Minister Lee illustrated ROC’s pension reform and new employment policy and measures for veterans, and he exchanged VAC’s veterans service experience with Commander Verville before awarding Medal of Honor to him. Lee also thanked VFW DPA for contribution to facilitate both side’s veterans affairs interchange, draft and support to pass ROC-favored resolution and submit it to the US congress and Administration.


Commander Verville also visited Qingjing Farm, Kinkaseiki POW Monument, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and he was very impressed about History & Culture and advanced society of R.O.C.

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  • Count Views:7549
  • Update:2019-09-19
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