AMVETS commander visited VAC

  • Date:2023-04-28
  • Department:Department of Veterans Service and Assistance
AMVETS commander visited vac1
AMVETS commander visited vac1


President Tsai received the visiting delegation of American Veterans(AMVETS), hoping to continue to enhance exchanges between Taiwan and the United States.


When President Tsai Ing-wen received a visiting delegation from the AMVETS today, she said that over the past few years, the interaction between Taiwan and the United States has become closer and closer, also the economic and trade ties; she looks forward to continuing exchanges between Taiwan and the United States on veterans affairs.


President Tsai, accompanied by Secretary-General Gu of the National Security Council and Minister Feng of the Veterans Affairs Council, to receive the visiting Commander of the AMVETS, Donald McLean, and Mrs. McLean in the afternoon at the Presidential Palace. The President said that the AMVETS has more than 30 years of friendship with the VAC and was very happy to host good friends from the AMVETS again after the epidemic.


President Tsai thanked the AMVETS for having passed many resolutions to support Taiwan, deepening exchanges with the U.S. government, and also speaking out for Taiwan on international occasions. President also thanks for the long-term support from AMVETS.


She said that through exchanges with the AMVETS, the VAC has also continued to improve various policies to provide better services for veterans. In recent years, the VAC has actively cooperated and exchanged with universities, colleges, and enterprises to assist veterans in their education and employment. At the same time, the VAC is also committed to improving the medical services in Veterans' Home. Now that Veterans General Hospitals have cooperated with Veterans Homes to build a long-distance medical care network.


The President said she understood that the McLean couple visited Taipei Veterans General Hospital and other institutions this time. She believed that by sharing of experience, the two sides would take care of veterans more appropriately. The interaction between Taiwan and the United States has become closer and closer over the past few years; the U.S. Congress also has passed various bills to help Taiwan strengthen its self-defense capabilities and deepen economic and trade ties between the two countries.


The President looks forward to the continued strengthening of exchanges between Taiwan and the United States on veterans affairs and wishes Commander McLean a successful visit.

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AMVETS commander visited vac2
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  • Update:2023-10-02
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