- Date:2018-09-13
- Department:Department of Veterans Service and Assistance

K-VHS visits VAC’s Hospitals & Veterans Homes
Korean Veterans Health Services (K-VHS) members, leaded by CEO PhD Yang visited VAC’s Veterans Hospitals and Veterans Homes from September 4th to 6th. VAC’s Home & Nursing Care Department Deputy Director Liu, Health & Medical Care Department Chief Chu, and Overseas Liaison Coordinator Chen accompany the team through their visiting.
The Korean group visited Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Pan-Chiao Veterans Homes, Tao-yuan Veterans Hospital, and Pa-De Veterans Homes. Plenty of questions about the 6 VAC’s service scopes (i.e. Educational Assistance, Employment Assistance, Medical Care, Home Care, Retirement Payment, General Service & Assistance) had been asked and answered. The visiting group achieved a fruitful success during the 3-day-journey.
K-VHS was under the supervision of MPVA (Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs). It operates and manages 6 Veterans hospitals and 6 Veterans nursing homes in South Korea. The purpose of this tour for them is to study and research VAC’s health & medical service, nursing care service, health care insurance system, and Veterans Affairs service system.
After a successful tour of mutual understanding and experience exchange, all the group members praise and esteem highly on VAC’s service system in terms of medical care, home care, general service and assistance.
This was a successful trip, besides exchanging the pros and cons of each system in both countries, members of both sides establish comprehensive relationship which exemplifies what descent unofficial diplomacy is.