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  • 發布日期:106-08-11
  • 資料來源:行政管理處



Commander in Chief Duffy, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon,



I am filled with great pleasure and even greater honor to be invited here to speak today. On behalf of the Veterans Affairs Council, Republic of China, I would like to give my highest respect and commendations to VFW for your dedication to your Veterans.



The Veteran Affairs Council of Republic of China and the VFW have bonded in brotherhood relationship since 1980. The main reason that we have established this long lasting friendship is that we share the same values and beliefs in freedom, democracy human right, peace and international justice.


Furthermore, we are both committed to strive for respect, benefits, compensations, and commemorations for our soldiers and their families. They contributed their prime years to military service. Soldiers who have sacrificed their lives to fight for valued causes and benefits defending their country.



As you know, Taiwan and the US have always had profound relations in politics, economic & trade and military security. In other words, Taiwan’s development is closely tied to US interests in the Asia Pacific region. Therefore, helping Taiwan to continuously undergo military transformation, to gain appropriate self-defense capability and to join economic & trade pacts and other international organizations, is crucial for our common interests.



Taiwan is situated in the center of the first island chain in your Western Pacific Defense line; our strategic value is irreplaceable. In return, under those consolidate basis, Taiwan can be more involved in enhancing the regional security, as well as the peace and economic development in the Asia-Pacific.


Over the years, Taiwan has actively taken on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief roles in order to fulfill our responsibility and obligation as an international society member.



I would like to use a metaphor as my closing remark. A drawing compass can draw a full circle as big as it can reach, as long as the center stays grounded while the foot keeps moving. But if a person can’t bring his dream to full circle. It’s because his feet are grounded and his heart keeps moving.


The determination that the VAC and VFW both share in taking care of our Veterans is our grounding force, it is our heart. As long as our feet continue to move for our Vets, as long as we go the extra mile for them, far and wide. We would be creating a perfect circle towards contributing to world peace.



Once again, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to VFW for your unwavering support by submitting resolution to your Congress and State Department, backing Taiwan in terms of defense and arms procurement, foreign and political affairs and economic and trade issues. These gestures of brotherhood will not be forgotten.



Thank you very much and I wish you a successful convention.



Now, I would like to present Commander in Chief Duffy a Medal of Honor with Cravat of Veterans Affairs Council, First Class, in recognizing his dedication to promote the friendship between our two countries.

Col. Wang, Please announce the citation. Thank You!

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